Programming with GUTs
These days testing is considered a sexy topic for programmers. Who’d have thought it? But what makes for good unit tests (GUTs)? There’s more to effective unit testing than just knowing the assertion syntax of a framework.
These days testing is considered a sexy topic for programmers. Who’d have thought it? But what makes for good unit tests (GUTs)? There’s more to effective unit testing than just knowing the assertion syntax of a framework.
This video provides advice, tips, and tricks on how to write good unit tests—the hardest part of test-driven development. It discusses the differences between TDD and unit testing, the benefits of unit tests, and the attributes of good unit tests.
This video covers the basics of test-driven development (TDD). Find out more about what TDD is, what it isn’t, the challenges you’ll face, and why you’ll want to implement it. It covers the following topics: * Test-Driven Development defined * Benefits of Test-Driven development * Challenges of Test-Driven Development * …
This video shows you how to install the Scala sdk and Simple Build Tool, sbt. You will also see how to create a mini sbt-project to demonstrate how you can get started with unit testing using Scalatest and JUnit.
This video shows how to set up and start using ApprovalTests with Nunit. Both are open source tools that will help you perform unit testing on your .NET code.
Most unit tests are not unit tests and their authors suffer for it. What is unit testing, really? How can writing them prevent classic testing problems? If you do write them, what trade-offs are you implicitly making?