Scala and Sbt
This video shows you how to install the Scala sdk and Simple Build Tool, sbt. You will also see how to create a mini sbt-project to demonstrate how you can get started with unit testing using Scalatest and JUnit.
This video shows you how to install the Scala sdk and Simple Build Tool, sbt. You will also see how to create a mini sbt-project to demonstrate how you can get started with unit testing using Scalatest and JUnit.
The Simple Build Tool for Scala offers a new way to configure build systems, starting with the basic concepts of key-value pairs and moving to configuration axis and plugins. This video introduces the SBT and offers “cookbook” recipes for how to accomplish common tasks within the standard configuration for projects.
In this video the creator of Scala Martin Odersky talks about what’s next for Scala. A few of the topics Martin covers include: commercial adoption of Scala; Scala: What it was, What it is, and Where it’s going; Scala Eclipse IDE; Play Framework 2.0 and Scala 2.10.
Prototypical applications found in industry today are heavily oriented toward solving the relevant problem, with a UI that is designed for simply satisfying input to the domain objects. This leads to UIs that often leave the user with little specific information on what the primary intent of the display is.
This video shows you how to build a Play Framework application with Scala and then deploy it on the cloud with Heroku.
This video explores the dependency injection options available to developers using Scala. It covers several options including Java frameworks like Spring and Guice, and Scala language approaches such as the Cake pattern.