Overview of NetBeans IDE 8
NetBeans IDE 8 delivers full support for the latest Java 8 technologies. This includes new enhancements for Maven and Java EE, new tools for HTML5, and improved support for PHP and C/C++.
NetBeans IDE 8 delivers full support for the latest Java 8 technologies. This includes new enhancements for Maven and Java EE, new tools for HTML5, and improved support for PHP and C/C++.
Relying on network reliability and topology are just a few mistakes most engineers make. Common fallacies of distributed computing are one of the most important factors that engineers need to keep in mind when building large scale enterprise software.
Java Language Architect Brian Goetz explains the new language features of Java 8. Java 8 incorporates important new language features that give you easier ways to construct programs. Lamba expressions define a new syntax for inline code blocks that gives you the same flexibility as anonymous inner classes, with much …
Creating a secure application involves more then just applying Spring Security to it. This is of course not a new topic, but with the increased popularity of much more dynamic configurations for Servlet Containers and various Spring Projects, like Spring MVC and Spring Integration, it becomes more important to know …
Much like Spring burst onto the scene and became a de facto standard for Java, Sencha is vying for a similar role in the world of HTML5. From Ext JS for desktop development, Sencha Touch for mobile, and Sencha Architect as a design tool, it has become a pervasive technology …
E*Trade has revamped its SOA platform with RabbitMQ as a core messaging system and Spring Integration as a light weight ESB layer with services written in Java, C and Python based languages. This new container show cases how legacy system can be migrated at the same time introducing more modern …