Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Tag: <span>java</span>

Using the Google Collections Library for Java (1 of 2)

The Java Collections Framework is indispensable to nearly every Java developer. Yet, you may often find yourself searching for a collection type, implementation, or utility that’s nowhere to be found. In this session, you’ll learn how the open-source Google Collections Library builds on the excellent foundation of java.util, to provide …

Lecture 22 | Programming Methodology (Stanford University)

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Sahami introduces the next assignment (Name Surfer) to the class. He then demonstrates how to begin the assignment. CS106A is an Introduction to the engineering of computer applications emphasizing modern software engineering principles: object-oriented design, decomposition, encapsulation, …