Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Metrics You Should Use

Software Development Metrics You Should Use

Have you ever had a gut feeling a software development project is about to go off course but no way to validate (or invalidate) that feeling? Has your team ever been burned by an inaccurate estimate or unreasonable expectation? Have you ever wished you could peer a bit into the future? You need metrics!

Navigating the uncertainty of knowledge work is often difficult and uncomfortable. In this presentation, you will learn new ways to visualize your team’s reliability and variability of delivery using the data and metrics you already collect. Instead of relying entirely on your gut or laboring over estimates, learn to articulate trade-offs, predict outcomes and describe their likelihood. While this video doesn’t teach you to eliminate uncertainty or allow you to see the future, it does provide you with tools to explore and chart a reasonable course through the inherent ambiguity of knowledge work.

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