Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Hibernate & JPA Annotations – Windows Environment Setup

This tutorial takes you through the various steps involved in installing MySQL and the MySQL GUI tools. Then I install the Java Development Toolkit v 1.6 Update 10 (JDK). After JDK installation, I then extract the Hibernate Core and Hibernate Annotations modules, plucking out the pertinent JAR files, and placing …

Using Fit: An Open-Source Testing Framework

Rick Mugridge is the lead author of the first book on storytests: “Fit for Developing Software”. He has developed and is evolving FitLibrary to better support storytest driven development. He is a leading thinker and inventor in this area, and consults and coaches internationally in storytesting, executable specifications, and agile …