What Makes a Successful Agile Developer?
What makes a successful Agile developer? How are Agile developers different from regular developers? This is a short presentation and video on the topic. Download this AVI video from TestDrivenDeveloper.com
What makes a successful Agile developer? How are Agile developers different from regular developers? This is a short presentation and video on the topic. Download this AVI video from TestDrivenDeveloper.com
The video is intended to be an introduction to TDD, and how actually to go about writing tests and code using TDD with Visual Studio. I hear a lot of people using the term “TDD” without really understanding it. They typically are referring to “unit testing” or sometimes even test-first …
David Langworthy and Jeff Pinkston introduce the what, why, and favorite features of “M” the new textual modeling language for .NET Developers.
The focus of this screencast is an introduction to the Visual Library API, building on top of Part 8, which created a scenario where it makes sense to use the Visual Library API: the user will be able to drag items from a Palette and, when the item is dropped, …
Part 8 begins with a recap of the previous parts, followed by a demo where we prepare ourselves for the next screencast, which will focus on the Visual Library API. To get to a point where we can meaningfully use that API, we construct two layers of nodes which we …
Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Sahami wraps up arrays and introduces the term debugging.