Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Testing Rich Client Web Applications by Jeff Hemminger

Making the move from sprinkling simple interactive Ajax controls into basic web applications to building feature rich clients with large JavaScript libraries brings with it some unique challenges. Among them is the need for better testing tools. The presenter will discuss some pros and cons of a few of the …

Grails Podcast @ JavaOne 2009 – Glen & Sven at the Microsoft booth looking at Grails on Mac

Ted demonstrates how his private MacBook uses Grails to connect to a MS SQL server using the new JDBC 4 driver for MS SQL. We thought we give this some extra footage. Ted demonstrates the Northwind database and scaffolded UI for these tables based on newly created domain classes.

Improving the Usability of Your Ruby on Rails Applications

This session will explain the importance of usability and teach essential interface design principles for better user experiences on the web. The session will then dive into how to apply these principles in Ruby on Rails code, using a simple rails app to progressively add interface design improvements to enhance …