Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Tutorials and Videos

ASP.NET 4.0 Roadmap

Take a walk through the 4.0 landscape from ASP.NET and learn how you can get involved in shaping ASP.NET future. This talk focuses on the next release of ASP.NET including Web Forms and MVC. Do you love web forms? See how you can taking control of your control IDs, learn …

LDAP Recipes

Many enterprise systems have a need for integration with a directory data source, such as an LDAP or MS Active Directory Server. Common tasks include administration of authentication data, user, group and role management, authentication, and synchronization of data between the directory and a relational database. These tasks are often …

Good Test, Better Code – From Unit Testing to Behavior-Driven Development

“Testing is design”; “Unit tests are documentation”; “Tests are specifications”. These are sought-after rewards of developer testing practices, but simply writing tests or even writing tests before writing production code doesn’t make these wishes come true. When we take up unit testing, we initially tend to do things a certain …

Business Model Impact on Software Architecture – Part 2

In this session, internationally recognized agile product management expert Luke Hohmann will review the seven most common ways that software related product and service offerings make money and how each of these affect your software architectures. We’ll explore such things as the functional and non-functional requirements that a business creates …