Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Your Code Smells

At the heart of every software product is the code, and code can have smells as well. Ignoring the smells in your code can lead to disastrous results for your product as well. What are some of those code smells, how can they bring down your software product and do …

Microservices Architecture Patterns in the Cloud

Gilt, a billion dollar e-commerce company, implemented a sophisticated microservices architecture on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure to handle millions of customers visiting their site at noon every day. The microservices architecture pattern enables independent service scaling, faster deployments, better fault isolation, and graceful degradation.

Software Development at Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is developed with a hands-on approach, where practical facts always trump theoretical concerns and this allows us to have a unique blend of techniques and approaches to coding. This talk presents Stack Overflow’s usage of application architecture, coding abstractions, continuous deployment, methodology. I will give demos of our …