Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Tutorials and Videos

iCucke: Integration testing for iPhone applications with Cucumber

iCuke allows you to write integration tests for your iPhone applications without changing your existing code (as long as your application makes proper use of the accessibility APIs). Usage is pretty much as you’d expect, install the gem and load the iCuke step definitions in a cucumber support file. More …

Aqua: A Cool, Clear Drink of Ruby Object Persistence

Even with ORMs like ActiveRecord, DataMapper which ease the pain of relational data storage, considerable developer effort goes into wrangling Ruby objects into their databases. This is true even when working with Document-oriented databases where the nested data structures more closely map to Ruby objects. Aqua is a new, proof-of-concept …