Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Category: <span>Project Management</span>

Embracing Kanban

During this session, we will take a practical look at how SEP introduced Kanban across the organization. Detailed examination of several specific projects will demonstrate the pitfalls, challenges, and results of applying Kanban. Finally, we will evaluate the cultural changes resulting from Kanban. During the session, we will * Characterize …


The ChaMP system demonstrates how a Kanaban board has been used for Sustained Engineering in an internal IT development group. This session is a case study in how the CI-AFR2 software group got started with David Anderson’s work with XIT and Corbis, and Corey Ladas work at Corbis. The group …


The motivation and use of kanban in software engineering is often being misunderstood. It isn’t a prescriptive method or process template. Kanban offers us a set of guidelines and principles for implementing a pull system. When followed appropriately these principles will lead every kanban process implementation to different and uniquely …