Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Category: <span>Configuration Management</span>

Jason van Zyl on the Future of Maven: Maven 3

Jason recently talked about Maven 3 at the Maven Meetup on March 19, 2009. Here is his entire presentation. In it, Jason discusses plans for Maven 3: support for incremental builds, changes to Plexus, better multi-language support, a queryable lifecycle, changes to the Plugin API, extensible reporting, a refactored plugin …


This video describe what “git“; is and isn’t, and why you should use it instead of CVS, Subversion, SVK, Arch, Darcs, Mercurial, Monotone, Bazaar, and just about every other repository manager. It also walks though the basic concepts so that the manpages might start making sense.