Where Bad Code Comes From
Explore some unexpected sources of bad code learn why the head of KML’s safety program caused the deadliest airplane collision in history.
Programming Videos and Tutorials
Explore some unexpected sources of bad code learn why the head of KML’s safety program caused the deadliest airplane collision in history.
Everyone knows (should know?) what Test Driven Development is. In languages with sufficiently strong type systems such as Scala or Haskell we can do even better. We can make compiler do part of testing for us. We sometimes hear “I cannot think of bugs that can be prevented by static …
Ruby and Rails are home to a lot of very smart people who create wonderful things. Some of us work in a different world. Dean Pannell has spent most of the last few years working on applications written by somebody else for Fortune 500 companies that don’t do Ruby on …
By bringing technology closer, we can get it out of the way. This and other core concepts, design guidelines, UX paradigms, and APIs will be introduced as a baseline for Google Glass Development. Excellent examples will be shown and used to codify everything into a set of best practices. If …
Writing CSS is a pain in the ass and should be considered harmful if performed on a daily basis without your mind getting reset every night. It can also be a big honking mess if you have twenty developers or more all mocking about in the same CSS code base. …
Why do we all know a developer who has been pounding out unmaintainable code for a decade or more? Why do people “believe in TDD but I don’t have time to write tests during crunch?” How is it that we have an entire industry based around rescuing teams from acutely …