Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Category: <span>Agile</span>

Using Fit: An Open-Source Testing Framework

Rick Mugridge is the lead author of the first book on storytests: “Fit for Developing Software”. He has developed and is evolving FitLibrary to better support storytest driven development. He is a leading thinker and inventor in this area, and consults and coaches internationally in storytesting, executable specifications, and agile …

Countdown to PDC2008: Did somebody say Agile Pre Con at PDC? Chat with Mary and Grigori.

When Dilbert talks about Agile, you know it has become main stream. This is also evident from the increased adoption of agile techniques and practices in the software development industry. Mary and Grigori just finished their duties as the program chair of the recently concluded Agile Conference and now are …

An Introduction to Test Driven Development in C#

A 10 Minute introduction to test driven development and unit testing using NUnit and C#. Produced as part of the Readify Developer Network. Aditional resource: Improving Application Quality Using Test-Driven Development (TDD) Demystifying Extreme Programming: Test-driven programming Bug Busters – Test Driven Development in .NET

Ellie Powers on Scrum

Scrum is the new, hot buzzword when it comes to process these days. Grace Francisco talks over lunch with Ellie Powers, Program Manager with the Hotmail team to find out more about Scrum and its benefits. Hear her real world feedback on using it in projects and the challenges you …