Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Category: <span>Agile</span>

Agile Fine-Tuning

Recent work by James Coplien (the course instructor) with Scrum inventor Jeff Sutherland came to a radical conclusion: that though Scrum sounds very simple on the surface, it is in fact painfully intricate underneath (see There is a well-understood incremental (agile!) path to making Scrum work. Understanding this path, …

Good Test, Better Code – From Unit Testing to Behavior-Driven Development

“Testing is design”; “Unit tests are documentation”; “Tests are specifications”. These are sought-after rewards of developer testing practices, but simply writing tests or even writing tests before writing production code doesn’t make these wishes come true. When we take up unit testing, we initially tend to do things a certain …