Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Category: <span>Agile</span>

5 Things I Learned from Lean that Could Have Saved My Last Agile Project

While Agile methods have enabled organizations to understand and to adopt more disciplined software development practices, Agile can be taken advantage of by software teams in ways that can lead to less desirable results and even project failure. This presentation tells the story of an agile project staffed with veteran …

Eliminating Static Dependencies

Nature abhors a vacuum.  It turns out she also abhors static dependencies (I have my sources).  Static dependencies are the modern-day globals, often exposed through classes named “Helper”.  I’ve certainly been guilty of overusing static dependencies in the past, with classes like “LoggingHelper”, “SessionHelper”, “DBHelper” and so on. The problem …

Agile and Architecture

Interesting things happen when you put the words “Agile” and “Architecture” in the same sentence. Some would say that they have nothing to do with each other, others would say that effectiveness in one precludes effectiveness in the other. Still others would say “look, a squirrel”, but we’re not going …