Category: Agile
Agile Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Scrum, Lean, Kanban
Scrum Gathering 2008 – Mike Cohn
An interview with Mountain Goat Software’s Mike Cohn from the Spring 2008 Scrum Gathering in Chicago.
A Leaner Form of Agile
When is Kanban likely to succeed? How do we introduce it? How does the quest to reduce waste and improve continuously changed tried-and-true XP practices? In this talk, I’ll share my experiences and experiments with Kanban and Lean at Xclaim Software and VersionOne. Among other things we’ll look at how …
Embracing Kanban
During this session, we will take a practical look at how SEP introduced Kanban across the organization. Detailed examination of several specific projects will demonstrate the pitfalls, challenges, and results of applying Kanban. Finally, we will evaluate the cultural changes resulting from Kanban. During the session, we will * Characterize …
FitNesse: Wishful Thinking with Scenario Tables
This tutorial presents the usage of scenarios to approach tests from different levels of abstraction.
The ChaMP system demonstrates how a Kanaban board has been used for Sustained Engineering in an internal IT development group. This session is a case study in how the CI-AFR2 software group got started with David Anderson’s work with XIT and Corbis, and Corey Ladas work at Corbis. The group …