Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Category: <span>Agile</span>

The Lean Startup

The current macroeconomic climate presents unparalleled opportunities for those that can thrive with constrained resources. The Lean Startup is a practical approach for creating and managing a new breed of company that excels in low-cost experimentation, rapid iteration, and true customer insight. It uses principles of agile software development, open …

Proximity Over Distance

The Agile Manifesto asks for face-to-face communication, trust and close collaboration. But widely accepted wisdom is that trust needs touch. So how can you create this proximity over a distance? You can bridge the distance using virtual communication channels wisely and by travelling – at least from time to time. …

Self-Organization: The Secret Sauce for Improving your Scrum Team

High performance depends on the self-organizing capability of teams. Understanding how this works and how to avoid destroying self-organization is a challenge. Until you understand complex adaptive systems and how Toyota works it is difficult to improve team velocity. Jeff Sutherland discusses three core topics: 1. Shock therapy as a …