Kanban Side-Effects
Learn how Kanban, as an alternative to top-down approaches, can be used to support introduction of best software development and organizational practices using a few real-life examples.
Agile Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Scrum, Lean, Kanban
Learn how Kanban, as an alternative to top-down approaches, can be used to support introduction of best software development and organizational practices using a few real-life examples.
How do I make my managers more Agile?, How can I convince developers to educate themselves?, How can I make customers more cooperative? When transforming organizations and other social systems people usually encounter obstacles. And these obstacles very often involve changing other people’s behaviors. Of course, we cannot really _make_ …
The Mikado Method: Code almost always depend on other pieces of code, hence one change often requires another in an entangled web. This works like the game Mikado (pick-up sticks), where you have to pick up lower scoring sticks in a certain order to reach the higher scoring Mikado stick. …
This presentation compares and contrasts 3 unique experiences across 3 distinct organizations implementing Agile. From a large traditional financial company in Dallas: Nurturing a newly formed collaborative team in a competitive environment to a competitive hierarchical advertising company in New York: Navigating land-mines of anti-scrum sentiment; to Google: Giving structure …
The Crystal 3-step model consists of practices, principles, and personalization. The practices are what you know or learn how to do. The principles are the laws of design that inform you as to what works better and when. Personalization is adapting yourself to your situation, and your practices to your …
This presentation shows how the success of agile adoption process is not hidden in methodology itself, but it should correspond with company culture. Video Producer: Agile Central Europe