Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
MooTools Application Framework

MooTools Application Framework

A presentation of various MooTools projects and how they help with web application development. MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. It allows you to write powerful, flexible, and cross-browser code with its elegant, well documented, and coherent API. MooTools code respects strict standards and doesn’t throw any warnings. It’s extensively documented and has meaningful variable names: a joy to browse and a snap to understand.

This video focuss on the MooTools Core Library and its inner workings. It covers the functionality found in Core including the class oriented inheritance model and the merits of extending the native types in JavaScript. It also discusses how the Framework extends beyond browsers into any JavaScript environment and how this can enhance application development.

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